An artist who just needs a good fish taco. PFP by @Mogy64

Age 36, Male

Digital Artist

Blood Sweat and Cum

Joined on 6/26/10

Exp Points:
4,294 / 4,440
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Vote Power:
6.20 votes
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B/P Bonus:
9y 10d

FuShark's News

Posted by FuShark - February 6th, 2019

Evening NG!

Currently in the process of moving into my new place. Not tOo far thankfully but still an obstacle none the less. Hoping to be settled in the next few weeks.

Time to shill my Patreon! now open up and swallow. This month my $5 patrons can vote on these lovely puncher kickers.


Last month's winner was Princess Zelda. I'm super grateful to everyone who supports my work. Spreading the word goes a long way so whisper to all your friends about the gross stuff I draw.

That's all for now! Tip your waitress!





Posted by FuShark - January 16th, 2019


Evening NG!

Hope everyone's doing OK. Just stopping by to shill my Patreon for one sec. This month I'm starting monthly character illustrations for my $5 patrons. Here's this month's roster.

I've also updated my Patreon tiers and goals. As donations grow (Tom willing) so will the amount of attention I can focus on personal projects and patron rewards. This is the best way to ensure I keep making stuff.

With all the obstacles I'm still juggling from last year it was real tough to be as involved with NG. I'm beating myself up about not being able to help with the incredible Smash Collab. I'm working hard to get things relatively stable again in the hopes of being more active.

That's all for now! Tip your waitress!




Posted by FuShark - November 22nd, 2018

Afternoon Newgrounds!

I've been gone for a few days and return to sooo many new faces and artwork here on NG. Welcome everyone! I hope you enjoy contributing to the site and working together as a community to make NG even stronger than it's ever been.

So the past couple of days I've been chained to my bed from what I understand to be Sciatica (Pain radiating along the sciatic nerve, which runs down one or both legs from the lower back.). A pretty painful episode that I'm still suffering from as I type this. When it hit me I was still able to walk well enough through some pain but sitting was an absolute nightmare (imagine using the bathroom). I had been freaking out for 3 days about never being able to work again and trying to concoct some way to work from bed. I have a few jobs pending and me and my family are in the middle of losing our home so I need to be earning as much money as I can. At some point during day 3 I realized that forcing myself to work so hard is the same reason I'm bound to my bed. So for the last few days I've focused on recovering and trying to beat Red Dead Redemption 2. I'm happy to say that I'm doing much better than I was the first few days but I'm still working hard to recover as I'm still in pain.

I don't typically like talking about my problems. I feel everyone has enough of them so why vent mine?

Well the reason I bring this particular story up is to warn everyone. Because of my neglectful tendancies towards my phsyical health I seriously injured myself. Not out in the world doing Kung Fu or fucking mad sluts. Sitting. I injured myself sitting.

Let that sink in.

I'm so dedicated to art that I put myself through 14-18 hour streams almost regularly and while I do get up from time to time to stretch it doesn't happen for hours. To top things off I'm not exactly a prime example of an athlete. I'm terribly out of shape and expecting my body to handle all this constant stress is ludicrous.

This year I'm thankful for my body being a warrior taking the constant abuse that I've unleashed on it time and time again. I'm thankful despite my lack of medical insurance my mother was able to get me the meds that have been helping me through this recovery. I'm thankful that this wasn't worse and that it's given me a new perspective albeit from a terrifying and painful experience.

And lastly I'm thankful to everyone I've met over the last two years and the people who've stayed along for the ride since day 1. You guys make creating fulfilling and I hope to get back to it once I feel I'm ready to get back to work.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! And as always, tip your waitress. Kisses! 


Posted by FuShark - August 5th, 2018

Evening Newgrounds

I've noticed more and more people have been popping up on this site over the last few months. Whether that's new or same as usual I couldn't really say but it's great all the same. Whether you're here to create, troll, or fap welcome!

This update is more of a confession. A confession to myself. The last two-three years have been a whirlwind of excitement and growth for me. My life has changed. I've failed so much more and I've suceeded too.

This last week has left me wondering what it's all for. I've been in a existential meltdown since coming off what I feel was yet another loss. I've never been confident in myself or one to take any risks. It's the reason I guess I never tried to compete. Now that I have I'm starting to get a feeling of what losing is really like and question whether I can keep this up. Maybe this is all account of an unstable foudation built of abstract goals? Maybe I value you things that are just too unrealistic? Maybe I'm too envious of those I admire? Maybe what I'm expecting of myself is really too much.

All this leads me back to "What am I trying to achieve?" and I don't really know anymore. To be honest I'm not sure I ever really knew?

Is that a bad thing? I'm not sure. It feels like it is but the pressure I'm putting on myself to answer is probably even worse.

I wrote this for myself. I wrote this to share something. I wrote this to reflect, in the hopes to pick myself up and get back to looking for answers.

As one d-bag in Street Fighter once said...


and I think this helped.

More to cum. Kisses! ;*


Posted by FuShark - April 20th, 2018

Evening Newgrounds

I fucked up and edited this old post. RIP.



Posted by FuShark - March 30th, 2018


My cartoon for the DBZ Collab is finally done! Can't wait for you all to see the hardwork that went into making this project. I'm so glad to be free.

Quick update. I'm broke as hell, rusty as hell and in dire need of a bathroom break. At the moment I'm busy improving my skills in both illustration and animation. If I would have told myself a year ago that I would have learned to enjoy animation I would have recieved a quick slap to the mouth. Crazy but it has been a lot of fun.

I'm also working on final preparations for GACUCON, it's right around the corner and we've been got more guests than last year!

What's next for our fat handsome d bag? No idea!

Kisses! ;*

Posted by FuShark - October 23rd, 2017

Evening NG!

   It's been a minute since I posted an update on here. A few months to be precise. So lets get anyone who cares on here back up to speed.

   I've always been terrible about talking with people online/offline and I learned late 2016 that I need to get out more and network. I was asked to help develop a game for GaCuCon(A gaming cruise) that was never completed. Despite this I managed to earn(steal) a part of the company and began to help organize game developer meetups in South Florida. Being involved with the community rekindled my desire to work on games which would lead me to collaborating with a few projects down here. Unfortunately none of which panned out. To top it all off the consistent L's this year affected the work ethic I had developed the previous year. 

   I've fallen countless times in 2017 thanks to failed projects, hurricanes, and lack of discipline but I've learned so many valuable lessons. Lessons that will decide what comes next. There's been a lot of bad but still some good to go around.

   My crowning achievement this year was creating the Pico Day: Reanimated poster for the event this week in Philly. The largest thing I've ever illustrated and a tremendous honor. I also decided to take a trip up there for the show. Probably my first real vacation and first time heading North. Super excited!

   GaCuCon is sailing again next year from Fort Lauderdale to the Bahamas June 20th to the 25th. It's a small gaming con where we get trashed, eat, play games and eat. We're also starting up the GaCuCon GameJam4Good a series of game jams with the hope of raising funds for charity starting November 3rd. I'd love to see fellow Newgrounders participate!

So that's about it for the shilling. I know I have so much more to accomplish and I'll be working harder than ever. Oh one last thing...





Posted by FuShark - March 20th, 2017

Evening NG!

2017 has certainly been a busy year right from the get go. So much so that I just haven't been able to keep up with anything. First, l'd like to welcome all my new followers, I'm at 539 after about 2-3 months of posting nothing. So here's the skinny...

In January I got to take part in GaCuConthe first gaming event on the high seas aboard the Carnival Sensation. Me and the good people at Good War Games were able to complete GaCu Brawl just in time for the event thankfully. Mind you it's buggy as all hell but for a 10 day project I think it's pretty damn solid. Make sure to download it and tell them how awesome/horrible they are. The cruise itself was a blast and I'm officially part of the GaCuCon team now. We're already planning 2018's cruise and I'd love to incorporate Newgrounds and the community in the festivities! More news to come when it's available.

So at the moment I'm diving into a ton of game projects... 

First I'm working to finally complete my first game project Flappin Nutz. The game is practically done but it still has a lot of polishing to go through. Follow Lonely Missile on twitter for more news on it's ongoing progess.

Second I'm working on a game revival project with Good War Games and we're almost ready to announce and reveal the work that we've put into it thus far. I've showcased some of it on my streams in case you wanted a sneak peek. Follow Good War Games on twitter for the juicy deets.

And finally the third project I've joined is The Soul Keeper VR developed by Helm Systems. Soul Keeper is a fantasy action rpg game made for virtual reality. They've asked me to join to help create concept art and 2D assets. The game is scheduled to release in Early Access on Steam soon. Follow Helm Systems and The Soul Keeper on twitter for upcoming announcments. 

So that's about it for projects. I'm trying to fit in some more time for my personal work as it's been far too long that I've completed anything for myself. I plan to start doing a lot more live streaming showcasing anything that I can, if there's anything you'd like to see let me know! Send me at tweet or why not join NG and leave a comment right below!

And speaking of which...

I see you... Running around Newgrounds enjoying every second of it for FREE. Stop playing around with all those hussies. Put a ring on it, show Newgrounds you care and SUBSCRIBE today! Lets make sure this old gal keeps running, maybe buy her a new hat?



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Posted by FuShark - January 12th, 2017


   2017 is starting out incredibly busy for me and to be honest I'm a little overwhelmed with everything that's going on. I'm handling 3 projects this month but before I get to that let me give all of you guys a big sloppy hug! 508 followers! I'll try not to let any of you down.

   I'm happy to say that me and my cousin are finally getting back on completing our first game "Flappin Nuts". We had put a lot of effort into this project and we're not ready to let it die just yet. Especially after we were green lit on Steam about 2 years ago. The game is about 70% complete and we're planning out what's left and getting back into the rythym of things. More news to come!

   Next project I'm working on is a game for Pixel Day. This year I want to focus on game design and development so because I'm a masochist I decided I'll try my hand at getting an EXTREMELY SIMPLE game done for Pixel Day. Time is rapidly running out and all the work I have isn't helping but I'm going to do my best to have it ready. I got through one of Game Maker's tutorial that basically showed me exactly what I wanted to make and it didn't take more than 2 hours. I'm sure my version will take much longer however so I hope to get the needed art done this weekend.


   Last project on my list is "Gacu Brawl". I was ready to leave this project behind and move forward but the sexy people over at Good War Games weren't having it. They dug up the grave and decided to lend a helping hand to hopefully have a build ready for the Gacucon Cruise at the end of the month. They've already gotten some key work done so here's hoping we can get it ready to set sail. If you happen to be in Miami on the 25th I'll be at the Gacucon Expo at Dave & Buster's showcasing some games along with other local indie game developers.

That's about it for now. January is jam packed with craziness so I'll be sure to give up and lose my mind. Kisses ;*

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Posted by FuShark - January 1st, 2017

Happy New Year everyone!

   Wow! 485 followers, 87 submissions to the Art Portal and 1 front page. 2016 was rough but I couldn't be more proud of all the hard work I put myself through. I've never been so productive and I don't plan on slowing down anytime soon.

   Time to recap a little. So as some of you guys might remember I was working on a game for the last few months. Unfortunately due to the lack of dedication from our developer the project is basically scrapped. It's hard for me because this is the fourth game I've attemped to make that ends in failure. C'est la vie...

   I decided that I'll be completing some of the assets I was working on so people can use them in their Global Game Jam this year. This way my work isn't a total waste. I'll post about where to download them once they're ready.

   2017, you looking good girl..uh boy? I've planned to start learning more about game design and development this year. It only becomes more clear with each day that games are what I'm most passionate about. I'd like to finally produce something, even if it's something small. I'll be scheduling "class time" for myself starting with GameMaker Studio and log my journey in the Game Development forum.

   As many artist's are aware, finances suck. I'm not in this for the money, I just want to get to a point in my life where I can focus on creating rather than worrying about bills. I'm sure you've heard thousands of more talented artists say the same thing. So to keep it simple, if you enjoy my work I've opened up my Patreon again. I can't offer much but my continued dedication to create awesome stuff...maybe I'll slip you a little tongue? Please?

   And lastly I want to thank Newgrounds. Not just my followers but the community and the people behind greasing the tank treads. On a daily basis I'm asked "Why am I using Newgrounds?" or "Newgrounds is dead. Why not put more effort elsewhere?". I get it, Newgrounds isn't as active as it use to be. There are still fantastic creators here and new one's everyday. Sure there's a lot of trash but the dedication to keep creating is what keeps this place alive.

   Sure the traffic's slow but I'm guilty of being a romantiscist. I believe in what Newgrounds stands for and what it can become. If I can help in an-...

FuShark hears a crack of thunder, feeling his legs give way. He's been whipped off his soapbox by a searing bullet and laid to rest on the craggy ground. Reaching for the wound, spitting out blood he whispers...

Welcome 2017...kisses...

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