Afternoon Newgrounds!
Been too busy clearing up my commissions queue and working on the game to post any updates. So if you've missed me here's a kiss from me to you. ;*
To start off I finally got around to creating an illustration for Moawling after she made me the sweet pixel art of Kanti I'm proudly using as my icon. I managed to snag a front page spot to boot! So thanks for that everyone.
At the moment we've been working on GacuBrawl for just about a month now. It's been so awesome getting back into game design. I really believe it's what I enjoy working on the most despite the hellacious amount of time we've already put into it. No time for rest yet though, we only have a month and some change before getting this out so crunch time is only going to get...crunchier?
We had a team meeting yesterday to "discuss" the games "progress" and not totally get "trashed". The lovely peeps from Good War Games dropped by to tear are worthless asses up. Got some sweet tips for animation from Bryant, their artist. Check out their latest project Wasabi Horizon if you got a minute, and bitches I know you do.
I'll post a new update once we have our Steam Green Light page up so the internet can butt fuck us about how it's a shitty "Flash" game. Maybe once it's further a long I can talk to the crew about putting together a play test build for me to share with Newgrounds.
And finally if you'd like to keep up with any art in progress I post all that stuff over on my forum thread. I'll be updating that with some new game stuff later this week.